Wednesday, December 14, 2011
I went back to red hook. I went with ray, a good friend who is in the area visiting for the week. We went to an abandoned rice mill. We hopped the fence, climbed the cement wall, got on the grounds and then discovered that not only was the building sealed up from every angle, but the far side of the building was actually eroding away into the water. Although it was def an entry point...No thanks. Our urban exploration was considered half successful. :)
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Waiting for the g train. There's a man beautifully singing from the bottom of his heart for a couple of extra dollars. The man in front of me is holding a pizza. With a half opened can of nuts on top. The man to my left just awkwardly waits for the train.
Once on the train. I stand in the far corner from where I entered. There's always that one man in his early 30s with an iPad ego who acts like he is in the midst of revising a business Proposal that will one day make him millions of dollars. The man to My left is listening to music with his earbuds, as well as I. I can swear he is looking over my shoulder as I write this. But I'm almost more sure he's not. To my left are 2 eastern European friends. Possibly sisters, possibly best friends visiting the states.
There is an art in the way that people carefully choose there spot to stand on the train. Everyone who is a stranger is spread around equidistantly to each other.
I'm taking the train to red hook. The train is slowly clearing out as people exit to their subway stops. I am headed to redhook. one of the last stops on the g train.
Red hook was once a booming industrial area. Now it is full of abandoned warehouses and factories slowly bring converted into residential development. It is located in a very secluded area in the southwest corner of Brooklyn. The river overlooks lower manhattan.
My stop is next. Berenson. That was quick.
This is where I am headed tonight to take some night photos.

Thursday, December 1, 2011
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