Its January. Its cold. Its dry. People are miserable. But I'm okay. I think. I just keep waiting for spring. I can't wait to go on vacation (Vacation is anywhere that involves going in the woods, making a fire, pitching a tent, and drinking beer with friends) Simple enough.
As of now, it's still cold. A couple of weeks ago, my friends car had gotten busted in to. Of course, what would I have brought with me? My brand new decked out Macbook Pro that I've only had for about 3 weeks beforehand, a $725 Canon Fisheye lens, Hard drives with priceless information, $300 cash, and my favorite clothes, values easily over a couple hundred. The bag was located in the boot, or hatch because the car really had no boot.
We were on our way to Henryton State Tuberculosis Facility. It was shutdown sometime in the 70's or 80's because of the discovery of Asbestos and its harmful effects.
After our adventure and shocking discovery of missing items, we headed back into the city with no drivers side window. Keep in mind the weather outside was easily about 20 degrees. We made a stop at a local skateboarder owned and operated bar called johnny rads. Afterwards we made a pitstop at another local favorite bar called sticky rice. Pretty cool place. Known for their "bucket of tots" and its just what it sounds like it. delish.
The following day, Saturday, was Robert Goldings memorial service. Bob Golding was an inspirational photographer who taught at the Antonelli Institute easily for the last? forever? I think he was born working there. The service was great, meeting up with old friends was fantastic. Although keep in mind we had no clothes with us, so Gair and I went on a shopping spree in inner city Philadelphia. Zara Button downs, H&M Pants, Gap undergarments, It was quite fun. We stopped at a CVS on the way to the memorial to pick up some toothbrushes. Brushing our teeth in the car was quite interesting. Sorry stuck, I think I got toothpaste gunk all over the side of your car while we were driving 40+ miles per hour.
After the ceremony, we met up with some old friends at a new bar in Chestnut Hill, had a round or 2 and then headed up to the local coffee shop. I was surprised to find the owner meet me at the back with shot glasses and a bottle of vodka. The night just kept getting better. 4 drinks later, we headed to the city so that we wouldnt miss our bus. but we couldnt leave without getting one more drink at the local German bar. All payed for. and a 6 pack for the bus back to New York. The bus trip basically consisted of Chaos, in-seat dancing, and Dubstep loud enough for the entire back half of the bus to "enjoy" with us.
All and all we ended up having a Booze filled but GREAT weekend.
It looks like I may be getting reimbursed for all of my lost equipment now that I have looked into it now. Not under my insurance, since mine has expired. Looks like I'll be buying some home owners insurance with that check......
What an interesting start to a new year. I hope the entire year will be this memorable. For better or for worse. Bring it.
Here are a couple of pictures from our adventure. It brings me back to the days of visiting Penhurst in Spring City outside of Philadelphia, there is an eery similarity to the 2.
Goodnight everybody. I love you all.